The Fjallraven Classic: Through the Heart of Scotland

In 2022, Fjallraven launched its first long-distance walking event in the United Kingdom. To showcase this event, I produced this short piece which highlights the journey of ‘Friend of Fjallraven’ Anna Blackwell as she undertook the 60 mile trek.

‘Rohan | Supporting Your Journey for 50 Years’

In 2022, Rohan celebrated 50 years of making excellent outdoor clothing. I was commissioned by them to make this video which celebrates their incredible achievement and the legacy they continue to carry.

Personal projects and collaborations

A series of personal projects I have put together in collaboration with some of my regular clients.

I have been working both full-time and as a contractor for Jagex for almost ten years. During this time, I have worked on many hundreds of videos, from documentaries, gameplay trailers, behind-the-scenes showcases and events coverage.

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